タイトル | Subjective Response to Simulated Sonic Booms in Homes |
著者(英) | McCurdy, David A.; Brown, Sherilyn A. |
著者所属(英) | NASA Langley Research Center |
発行日 | 1996-07-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | One of the environmental issues affecting the development of a second-generation supersonic commercial transport is the impact of sonic booms on people. Aircraft designers are attempting to design the transport to produce sonic boom signatures that will have minimum impact on the public. Current supersonic commercial aircraft produce an 'N-wave' sonic boom pressure signature that is considered unacceptable by the public. This has resulted in first-generation supersonic transports being banned from flying supersonic over land in the United States, a severe economic constraint. By tailoring aircraft volume and lift distributions, designers hope to produce sonic boom signatures having specific shapes other than 'N-wave' that may be more acceptable to the public. As part of the effort to develop a second-generation supersonic commercial transport, Langley Research Center is conducting research to study people's subjective response to sonic booms. As part of that research, a system was developed for performing studies of the subjective response of people to the occurrence of simulated sonic booms in their homes. The In-Home Noise Generation/Response System (IHONORS) provides a degree of situational realism not available in the laboratory and a degree of control over the noise exposure not found in community surveys. The computer-controlled audio system generates the simulated sonic booms, measures the noise levels, and records the subjects' ratings and can be placed and operated in individual homes for extended periods of time. The system was used to conduct an in-home study of subjective response to simulated sonic booms. The primary objective of the study was to determine the effect on annoyance of the number of sonic boom occurrences in a realistic environment. The effects on annoyance of several other parameters were also examined. Initially, data analyses were based on all the data collected. However, further analyser found that test subjects adapted to the sonic booms during the first few days of exposure. The first eight days of each testing period consisted of eight introductory exposures that were repeated on randomly selected days later in the testing period. Comparison of the introductory exposures with their repeats indicated that the test subjects adapted to the new sonic boom noise environment during the first days of the testing period. Because of the adaptation occurring, the introductory days were deleted from the ds set and the analyses redone. This paper presents the updated analyses. Elimination of the introductory days did not significantly affect the results and conclusions of the initial analyses. This paper also presents analyses of the effects on annoyance of additional factors in the study not previously examined. |
NASA分類 | Environment Pollution |
レポートNO | 96N36861 |
権利 | No Copyright |
URI | https://repository.exst.jaxa.jp/dspace/handle/a-is/542554 |