JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSatellite communications systems and technology
著者(英)Edelson, Burton I.; Pelton, Joseph N.; Bostian, Carles W.; Brandon, William T.; Chan, Vincent W. S.; Hager, E. Paul; Helm, Neil R.; Jennings, Raymond D.; Kwan, Robert K.; Mahle, Christoph E.; Miller, Edward F.; Riley, Lance
著者所属(英)George Washington Univ.; Colorado Univ.; Virginia Polytechnic Inst.; Mitre Corp.; Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.; George Mason Univ.; George Washington Univ.; Commerce Dept.; Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.; Communications Satellite Corp.; NASA; Jet Propulsion Lab.
抄録Volume 2 of the final report of the NASA/NSF Panel on Satellite Communications Systems and Technology is presented. It consists of the site reports from the panel's visits to satellite communications facilities and laboratories in Europe, Japan, and Russia.
NASA分類Communications And Radar
レポートNONTIS Rept. PB94-100187
