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タイトルVisualization tools for the processing of airglow data from RAIDS
著者(英)Picone, Michael; Miller, Gordon J.; Thonnard, Stefan; Meesuk, Carolyn
著者所属(英)Naval Research Lab.
内容記述In anticipation of large data sets associated with a number of atmospheric imaging instruments being prepared for long term global coverage, NRL is developing graphical interfaces for all aspects of the program. For the first of these projects, RAIDS (the Remote Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System), a graphical approach to data handling, visualization, and analysis is envisioned and will set the stage for the satellites that follow. An overall system of hardware and a set of software 'tools,' that will allow for both the routine handling of all data and the analysis of large data sets assembled by scientists and instrument engineers, are currently being developed. The software for standard processing and visualization of instrument data is independent of computer platform and will allow for easy adaptation from one experiment to another. The processing will produce data sets that have similar characteristics, allowing for easy comparison of data obtained under similar circumstances. The visualization of both the engineering and scientific data is an important part of the system. By creating graphical environments for engineering evaluations and for scientific analysis data sets can be viewed and analyzed rapidly. This rapid analysis of data will contribute towards a greater portion of the RAIDS data being utilized.
NASA分類Documentation and Information Science
権利No Copyright
