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タイトルPerformance of DBS-Radio using concatenated coding and equalization
著者(英)Vaisnys, A.; Henson, P.; Suwitra, K.; Truong, L.; Bell, D.; Gevargiz, J.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The Direct Broadcast Satellite-Radio (DBS-R) receiver is being developed for operation in a multipath Rayleigh channel. This receiver uses equalization and concatenated coding, in addition to open loop and closed loop architectures for carrier demodulation and symbol synchronization. Performance test results of this receiver are presented in both AWGN and multipath Rayleigh channels. Simulation results show that the performance of the receiver operating in a multipath Rayleigh channel is significantly improved by using equalization. These results show that fractional-symbol equalization offers a performance advantage over full symbol equalization. Also presented is the base-line performance of the DBS-R receiver using concatenated coding and interleaving.
NASA分類Communications and Radar
権利No Copyright
