JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe X-Ray Variable Sky
著者(英)Stringfellow, Guy
著者所属(英)Colorado Univ.
内容記述A novel approach to search for rapid time variability of every source, whether persistent or transient, within the entire ROSAT detector field has been developed. Semi-automated software statistically tests the photon arrival time event list for source variability and reports significant (greater than 5 sigma) variable enhancement in the photon count rate on time scales ranging from 5-500 seconds. The computational algorithms have been thoroughly tested, and are able to discriminate between false detections induced by instrumental effects, and real X-ray variable sources (XRVs); when carefully scrutinized by the PI. The analysis has proven to be successful, with both periodic and transient XRVs having been found. Some of these are entirely new discoveries, while others have been detected in previous X-ray missions, yet their nature remained elusive since source identification and analysis had yet to be performed. On average, one new (unidentified) XRV is found per ROSAT PSPC field analyzed. In some cases the XRVs show only a transient signature (a burst type event) with no persistent X-ray or other known (optical) counterpart. The ambitious goal of this project was to process as much of the ROSAT PSPC archive data as feasibly possible to discover XRVs and analyze this data.
NASA分類Space Radiation
権利No Copyright
