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タイトルA Comparative Study of Heavy Ion and Proton Induced Bit Error Sensitivity and Complex Burst Error Modes in Commercially Available High Speed SiGe BiCMOS
著者(英)Campbell, Art; Riggs, Pam; Randall, Barb; Fritz, Karl; Reed, Robert; Carts, Marty; Currie, Steve; Seidleck, Christina; Ladbury, Ray; Marshall, Paul
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述A viewgraph presentation that reviews recent SiGe bit error test data for different commercially available high speed SiGe BiCMOS chips that were subjected to various levels of heavy ion and proton radiation. Results for the tested chips at different operating speeds are displayed in line graphs.
NASA分類Computer Operations and Hardware
権利No Copyright
