JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルRF Manipulation and Detection of Protons in the High Performance Antiproton Trap (HiPAT)
著者(英)Fant, Wallace E.; Lewis, Raymond A.; Martin, James J.; Sims, W. Herb; Pearson, J. Boise; McDonald, Stan; Chakrabarti, Suman
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The significant energy density of matter-antimatter annihilation is attractive to the designers of future space propulsion systems, with the potential to offer a highly compact source of power. Many propulsion concepts exist that could take advantage of matter-antimatter reactions, and current antiproton production rates are sufficient to support basic proof-of-principle evaluation of technology associated with antimatter-derived propulsion. One enabling technology for such experiments is portable storage of low energy antiprotons, allowing antiprotons to be trapped, stored, and transported for use at an experimental facility.
NASA分類Nuclear Physics
権利No Copyright
