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タイトルExperimental Evaluation of Hot Films on Ceramic Substrates for Skin-Friction Measurement
著者(英)Hamory, Philip J.; Noffz, Gregory K.; Lavine, Adrienne S.
著者所属(英)NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
内容記述An investigation has been performed on the use of low-thermal conductivity, ceramic substrates for hot films intended to measure skin friction. Hot films were deposited on two types of ceramic substrates. Four hot films used composite-ceramic substrates with subsurface thermocouples (TCs), and two hot films were deposited on thin Macor(R) substrates. All six sensors were tested side by side in the wall of the NASA Glenn Research Center 8-ft by 6-ft Supersonic Wind Tunnel (SWT). Data were obtained from zero flow to Mach 1.98 in air. Control measurements were made with three Preston tubes and two boundary-layer rakes. The tests were repeated at two different hot film power levels. All hot films and subsurface TCs functioned throughout the three days of testing. At zero flow, the films on the high-thermal conductivity Macor(R) substrates required approximately twice the power as those on the composite-ceramic substrates. Skin-friction results were consistent with the control measurements. Estimates of the conduction heat losses were made using the embedded TCs but were hampered by variability in coating thicknesses and TC locations.
NASA分類Nonmetallic Materials
NAS 1.15:210742
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
