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タイトルRecent Enhancements to the National Transonic Facility
著者(英)Underwood, P.; Bobbitt, C. W.; Balakrishna, S.; Kilgore, W. A.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述The National Transonic Facility continues to make enhancements to provide quality data in a safe, efficient and cost effective method for aerodynamic ground testing. Recent enhancements discussed in this paper include the restoration of reliability and improved performance of the heat exchanger systems resulting in the expansion of the NTF air operations envelope. Additionally, results are presented from a continued effort to reduce model dynamics through the use of a new stiffer balance and sting.
NASA分類Research and Support Facilities (Air)
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2003-0754
権利No Copyright
