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タイトルPreliminary Results of the Magnetic Properties Experiments on the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity
著者(英)Madsen, M. B.; Yen, A.; Squyres, S. W.; Goetz, W.; Knudsen, J. M.; Bell, J. F., III; Hviid, S. F.; Bertelsen, P.; Kinch, K. M.; Johnson, M. J.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The Mars Exploration Rovers each carry a set of Magnetic Properties Experiments designed to investigate the properties of the air-borne dust in the Martian atmosphere. It is a preferred interpretation of previous experiments (Viking 1 & 2, 1976 and Mars Pathfinder, 1997) that the airborne dust in the Martian atmosphere is primarily composed by composite silicate particles containing one or more highly magnetic minerals as a minor constituent, this minor constituent probably being dominated by the mineral maghemite (gamma-Fe2O3). The ultimate goal of the magnetic properties experiments on the Mars Exploration Rover mission is to provide some information/constraints on whether the dust is formed by volcanic, meteoritic, aqueous, or other processes. In detail, the objectives are: a) To identify the magnetic mineral(s) in the dust, soil and rocks on Mars. b) To establish if the magnetic material is present in the form of nanosized (d < 10 nm) superparamagnetic crystallites embedded in the micrometer sized airborne dust part icles. c) To establish if the magnets are culling a subset of strongly magnetic particles or if essentially all particles of the airborne dust are sufficiently magnetic to be attracted by the magnets. d) Detect compositional differences between the airborne dust and the soil and rock sites which are investigated at two landing sites. To accomplish these goals the Mars Exploration Rovers each carry a set of permanent magnets of several different strengths and sizes. Each magnet has its own specific objective.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
