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タイトルRaman Spectroscopic Characterization of the Feldspars: Implications for Surface Mineral Characterization in Planetary Exploration
著者(英)Wang, Alian; Kuebler, K. E.; Haskin, L. A.; Freeman, J. J.
著者所属(英)Washington Univ.
内容記述The availability in the last decade of improved Raman instrumentation using small, stable, intense lasers, sensitive CCD array detectors, and advanced fast grating systems enabled us to develop the Mars Microbeam Raman Spectrometer (MMRS), a field-portable Raman spectrometer with precision and accuracy capable of identifying minerals and their different compositions. For example, we can determine Mg cation ratios in pyroxenes and olivines to +/-0.1 on the basis of Raman peak positions. Feldspar is another major mineral formed in igneous systems whose characterization is important for determining rock petrogenesis and alteration. From their Raman spectral pattern, feldspars can be readily distinguished from ortho- and chain-silicates and from other tecto-silicates such as quartz and zeolites. We show here how well Raman spectral analysis can distinguish among members within the feldspar group.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
