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タイトルMitigation of Angle Tracking Errors Due to Color Dependent Centroid Shifts in SIM-Lite
著者(英)Wu, Janet P.; An, Xin; Zhai, Chengxing; Goullioud, Renaud; Shen, Tsae-Pyng; Shao, Michael; Nemati, Bijan; Wehmeier, Udo J.; Wang, Xu; Weilert, Mark A.; Werne, Thomas A.
内容記述The SIM-Lite astrometric interferometer will search for Earth-size planets in the habitable zones of nearby stars. In this search the interferometer will monitor the astrometric position of candidate stars relative to nearby reference stars over the course of a 5 year mission. The elemental measurement is the angle between a target star and a reference star. This is a two-step process, in which the interferometer will each time need to use its controllable optics to align the starlight in the two arms with each other and with the metrology beams. The sensor for this alignment is an angle tracking CCD camera. Various constraints in the design of the camera subject it to systematic alignment errors when observing a star of one spectrum compared with a start of a different spectrum. This effect is called a Color Dependent Centroid Shift (CDCS) and has been studied extensively with SIM-Lite's SCDU testbed. Here we describe results from the simulation and testing of this error in the SCDU testbed, as well as effective ways that it can be reduced to acceptable levels.
NASA分類Astronomy; Optics
