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タイトルSIM Interferometer Testbed (SCDU) Status and Recent Results
著者(英)Wang, Xu; Nemati, Bijan; Shao, Michael; Wehmeier, Udo J.; Werne, Thomas A.; Zhai, Chengxing; An, Xin; Wu, Janet P.; Weilert, Mark A.; Shen, Tsae-Pyng; Goullioud, Renaud
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述SIM Lite is a space-borne stellar interferometer capable of searching for Earth-size planets in the habitable zones of nearby stars. This search will require measurement of astrometric angles with sub micro-arcsecond accuracy and optical pathlength differences to 1 picometer by the end of the five-year mission. One of the most significant technical risks in achieving this level of accuracy is from systematic errors that arise from spectral differences between candidate stars and nearby reference stars. The Spectral Calibration Development Unit (SCDU), in operation since 2007, has been used to explore this effect and demonstrate performance meeting SIM goals. In this paper we present the status of this testbed and recent results.
NASA分類Astrophysics; Astronomy; Instrumentation and Photography
