JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSystems Engineering and Application of System Performance Modeling in SIM Lite Mission
著者(英)Murphy, David W.; Moshir, Mehrdad; Milman, Mark H.; Meier, David L.
内容記述The SIM Lite Astrometric Observatory will be the first space-based Michelson interferometer operating in the visible wavelength, with the ability to perform ultra-high precision astrometric measurements on distant celestial objects. SIM Lite data will address in a fundamental way questions such as characterization of Earth-mass planets around nearby stars. To accomplish these goals it is necessary to rely on a model-based systems engineering approach - much more so than most other space missions. This paper will describe in further detail the components of this end-to-end performance model, called "SIM-sim", and show how it has helped the systems engineering process.
NASA分類Instrumentation and Photography
