JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA review of radar and satellite beacon observations of atmospheric gravity waves at Syowa Station
著者(日)小川 忠彦
著者(英)Ogawa, Tadahiko
著者所属(英)Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University
刊行物名Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research
Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research
抄録The observations of atmospheric gravity waves in the upper mesosphere and the thermosphere that have been carried out at Syowa Station, Antarctica, are reviewed by means of a meteor radar and satellite beacon wave reception. Occurrence probability and altitude distribution of meteor echoes and mean wind profiles in the upper mesosphere are presented to show that the present results are nearly consistent with those in the opposite hemisphere. Gravity waves detected with the meteor radar are well manifested in the sodium abundance (column density) and density perturbations simultaneously measured with a sodium lidar. An evidence is presented that during an auroral substorm, strong winds appeared in accord with a gradual decrease in the sodium abundance. About 400 Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTIDs) in the F region were detected with NNSS (Navy Navigation Satellite System) satellite beacon waves. Statistical analysis indicates that MSTIDs appear quite often during geomagnetically quiet and moderately disturbed conditions and that most of them propagate from south toward the equator. These findings together with the diurnal and seasonal variations of the MSTID occurrences are fairly consistent with previous midlatitude results. In the future, continuous long term observations at Syowa Station are needed to understand the gravity wave characteristics and the effects of gravity waves upon the global circulation, energy budget in the atmosphere, and thermosphere middle atmosphere coupling.
キーワードAntarctic Syowa Station; upper mesosphere; thermosphere; atmospheric gravity wave; meteor echo; solar wind; meteor radar; sodium lidar; auroral substorm; medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbance; MSTID; F region; Navy Navigation Satellite System; NNSS; global circulation; 南極昭和基地; 上層中間圏; 熱圏; 大気重力波; 流星エコー; 太陽風; 流星レーダ; ナトリウムライダ; オーロラサブストーム; 中規模飛行電離圏攪乱; MSTID; F領域; 海軍航行衛星システム; NNSS; 全球的大気循環
資料種別Conference Paper
