JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルModeling and Testing of Phase Transition-Based Deployable Systems for Small Body Sample Capture
著者(英)Mukherjee, Rudranarayan; Backes, Paul; Quijano, Ubaldo; Giersch, Lou; Keim, Jason; Wilkie, Keats; Quadrelli, Marco
内容記述This paper summarizes the modeling, simulation, and testing work related to the development of technology to investigate the potential that shape memory actuation has to provide mechanically simple and affordable solutions for delivering assets to a surface and for sample capture and return. We investigate the structural dynamics and controllability aspects of an adaptive beam carrying an end-effector which, by changing equilibrium phases is able to actively decouple the end-effector dynamics from the spacecraft dynamics during the surface contact phase. Asset delivery and sample capture and return are at the heart of several emerging potential missions to small bodies, such as asteroids and comets, and to the surface of large bodies, such as Titan.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration; Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
