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タイトルNavigational Use of Cassini Delta V Telemetry
著者(英)Parcher, Daniel W.; Thompson, Paul F.; Vaughan, Andrew T.; Roth, Duane C.; Jones, Jeremy B.; Goodson, Troy; Pelletier, Frederic J.; Ardalan, Shadan M.; Criddle, Kevin E.; Ionasescu, Rodica; Antreasian, Peter G.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Telemetry data are used to improve navigation of the Saturn orbiting Cassini spacecraft. Thrust induced delta V's are computed on-board the spacecraft, recorded in telemetry, and downlinked to Earth. This paper discusses how and why the Cassini Navigation team utilizes spacecraft delta V telemetry. Operational changes making this information attractive to the Navigation Team will be briefly discussed, as will spacecraft hardware and software algorithms responsible for the on-board computation. An analysis of past delta V telemetry, providing calibrations and accuracies that can be applied to the estimation of future delta V activity, is described.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration; Astrodynamics; Spacecraft Instrumentation and Astrionics
