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タイトルDawn Ion Propulsion System - Initial Checkout After Launch
著者(英)Garner, Charles E.; Brophy, John R.; Mikes, Steven
内容記述The first 80 days after launch of the Dawn mission were dedicated to the checkout of the spacecraft with a major emphasis on the ion propulsion system. All three ion thrusters, all three thruster-gimbal assemblies, both power processor units, both digital interface and control units, and the entire xenon feed system were completely checked out and every component was found to be in good health. Direct thrust measurements agreed well with preflight expected values for all three thrusters over the entire throttle range. Thruster electrical operating parameters and power processor units efficiencies also agreed well with preflight expected values based on acceptance test data. Two of the three ion thrusters were fully checked out within 30 days after launch. Checkout of all three thrusters was completed 64 days after launch. Deterministic thrusting with the IPS began on December 17, 2007.
NASA分類Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2008-4917
