JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe Challenges and Opportunities for International Cooperative Radio Science; Experience with Mars Express and Venus Express Missions
著者(英)Rosenblatt, Pascal; Kahan, Daniel; Thompson, Tommy; Tyler, G. Leonard; Holmes, Dwight P.; Dehant, Veronique; Hausler, Bernd; Patzold, Martin; Simpson, Richard; Valencia, Jose; Goltz, Gene
内容記述Radio Science is an opportunistic discipline in the sense that the communication link between a spacecraft and its supporting ground station can be used to probe the intervening media remotely. Radio science has recently expanded to greater, cooperative use of international assets. Mars Express and Venus Express are two such cooperative missions managed by the European Space Agency with broad international science participation supported by NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) and ESA's tracking network for deep space missions (ESTRAK). This paper provides an overview of the constraints, opportunities, and lessons learned from international cross support of radio science, and it explores techniques for potentially optimizing the resultant data sets.
NASA分類Communications and Radar
