JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルManaging Momentum on the Dawn Low Thrust Mission
著者(英)Swenka, Edward R.; Smith, Brett A.; Vanelli, Charles A.
内容記述Dawn is low-thrust interplanetary spacecraft enroute to the asteroids Vesta and Ceres in an effort to better understand the early creation of the solar system. After launch in September 2007, the spacecraft will flyby Mars in February 2009 before arriving at Vesta in summer of 2011 and Ceres in early 2015. Three solar electric ion-propulsion engines are used to provide the primary thrust for the Dawn spacecraft. Ion engines produce a very small but very efficient force, and therefore must be thrusting almost continuously to realize the necessary change in velocity to reach Vesta and Ceres.
NASA分類Space Transportation and Safety; Launch Vehicles and Launch Operations
