JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


その他のタイトルVLBI observation results: Operations and results of J-NET (Japanese Domestic VLBI Network)
著者(日)面高 俊宏; 亀谷 収; 三好 真; 宮地 竹史; 笹尾 哲夫; 近藤 哲朗; 小山 泰弘; 中島 潤一; 関戸 衛; 川合 栄治
著者(英)Omodaka, Toshihiro; Kameya, Osamu; Miyoshi, Makoto; Miyaji, Takeshi; Sasao, Tetsuo; Kondo, Tetsuro; Koyama, Yasuhiro; Nakajima, Junichi; Sekido, Mamoru; Kawai, Eiji
著者所属(日)鹿児島大学 理学部 物理科学科; 国立天文台 地球回転研究系 水沢観測センター; 国立天文台 VERA推進室/VSOP室; 国立天文台 VERA推進室/VSOP室; 国立天文台 VERA推進室/VSOP室; 通信総合研究所 関東支所 鹿島宇宙通信センター; 通信総合研究所 関東支所 鹿島宇宙通信センター; 通信総合研究所 関東支所 鹿島宇宙通信センター; 通信総合研究所 関東支所 鹿島宇宙通信センター; 通信総合研究所 関東支所 鹿島宇宙通信センター
著者所属(英)Kagoshima University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science; National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Mizusawa Astrogeodynamics Observatory, Earth Rotation Division; National Astronomical Observatory of Japan VERA Project Office/VSOP Project; National Astronomical Observatory of Japan VERA Project Office/VSOP Project; National Astronomical Observatory of Japan VERA Project Office/VSOP Project; Communications Research Laboratory Radio Astronomy Appl. Sec., Kashima Space Res. Cent., Kanto Adv. Res. Cent.; Communications Research Laboratory Radio Astronomy Appl. Sec., Kashima Space Res. Cent., Kanto Adv. Res. Cent.; Communications Research Laboratory Radio Astronomy Appl. Sec., Kashima Space Res. Cent., Kanto Adv. Res. Cent.; Communications Research Laboratory Radio Astronomy Appl. Sec., Kashima Space Res. Cent., Kanto Adv. Res. Cent.; Communications Research Laboratory Radio Astronomy Appl. Sec., Kashima Space Res. Cent., Kanto Adv. Res. Cent.
Communications Research Laboratory
Review of the Communications Research Laboratory
抄録J-Net (Japanese VLBI Network) is the only Japanese one VLBI network that is available for general use by Japanese researchers. It consists of three antennas belonging to the National Astronomical Observatory, Japan (Nobeyama Radio Observatory, 45 m antenna, Mizusawa Astrogeodynamics Observatory, 10 m antenna, and Kagoshima, 6 m antenna), and one antenna belonging to the Communications Research Laboratory (Kashima Space Center, 34 m antenna) participating as the base of research collaboration in the joint venture with the National Astronomical Observatory. The J-Net started to use the 22 GHz band for general purpose observations in 1994. J-Net has been used mainly for imaging VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) observations, with several milliarcseconds resolution, of water-vapor masers of star-forming regions and late type stars. The contribution of the J-Net to Japanese VLBI research activity has been large.
キーワードVLBI; very long baseline interferometry; VLBI observation; Japanese VLBI network; J Net; parabolic antenna; National Astronomical Observatory; Communications Research Laboratory; water vapor maser; VLBI; 超長基線干渉法; VLBI観測; 国内VLBI網; J Net; パラボラアンテナ; 国立天文台; 通信総合研究所; 水蒸気メーザ
資料種別Technical Report
