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その他のタイトルShinkai 6500/Yokosuka diving and geophysical survey of the southern Mariana Arc 1995: Summary of results
著者(日)藤本 博巳; Fryer, Patricia; 石井 輝秋; 関根 真弓; 有吉 正幸; 小寺 透
著者(英)Fujimoto, Hiromi; Fryer, Patricia; Ishii, Teruaki; Sekine, Mayumi; Ariyoshi, Masayuki; Kodera, Toru
著者所属(日)東京大学海洋研究所; University of Hawaii Hawaii Inst. Geophysics & Planetology; 東京大学海洋研究所; 東京大学地震研究所; 神戸大学 理学部; 日本海洋事業
著者所属(英)Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo; University of Hawaii Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology; Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo; Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo; Kobe University Faculty of Science; Nippon Marine Enterprises Ltd
JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research
抄録The southern Mariana arc-trench system was surveyed by 'Shinkai 6500/Yokosuka' in September 1995. The survey aimed at geological and tectonic researches of the southern Mariana Arc proceeding with the results carried out in 1992-93. The following preliminary results have been obtained through four diving surveys and surface geophysical mapping: (1) Two diving surveys to 'Chamoro Seamount', a forearc seamount east of Guam Island, revealed that it is a serpentinite seamount. A fragment of carbonate chimney was sampled on the top. Tube warms and bacteria mat were found in the sample; (2) Rock sampling and seafloor gravimetry were carried out on the landward slope of the Eastern Challenger Deep. The results show that deep structure just beneath the Moho is exposed there on the seafloor; and (3) It was thought that the arc volcanism associated with the Mariana Trench terminated at the west of Guam, presumably due to oblique subduction at the southernmost Mariana Trench. However, results of the surface geophysical survey show that the arc volcanism is stretching westward beyond the west of Guam.
キーワードsouthern Mariana Arc; serpentinite seamount; carbonate chimney; seafloor exposed Mohorovicic's discontinuity; arc volcanism; submarine geological survey; plate tectonics; submersible survey; global geophysical observation; Chamoro Seamount; Challenger Deep; subduction; seafloor gravimetry; 南部マリアナ弧; 蛇紋岩海山; 炭酸塩チムニー; 海底露出モホ面; 島弧火山活動; 海底地質調査; プレートテクトニクス; 潜航調査; 広域地球物理観測; チャモロ海山; チャレンジャ海淵; サブダクション; 海底重力測定
資料種別Technical Report
