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タイトルOcean floor slumpings under active transform tectonism observed by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Kane transform fault survey of R/S Shinkai 6500
著者(日)小林 和男; 藤本 博己; Bryna,W.; Tivey,M.; 松本 剛; 木下 肇; 竹内 章; 石塚 英男; 富士原 敏也
著者(英)Kobayashi, Kazuo; Fujimoto, Hiromi; Bryan, Wilfred; Tivey, Maurice; Matsumoto, Takeshi; Kinoshita, Hajime; Takeuchi, Akira; Ishizuka, Hideo; Fujiwara, Toshiya
著者所属(日)海洋科学技術センター; 東京大学海洋研究所; ウッズホール海洋研究所 海洋地質地球物理部; ウッズホール海洋研究所 海洋地質地球物理部; 海洋科学技術センター 深海研究部; 東京大学地震研究所; 富山大学 理学部; 高知大学 理学部; 東京大学海洋研究所 開発部
著者所属(英)Japan Marine Science and Technology Center; Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Marine Geology and Geophysics; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Marine Geology and Geophysics; Japan Marine Science and Technology Center Deep Sea Research Department; Earthquake Research institute, University of Tokyo; Toyama University Faculty of Science; Kochi University Faculty of Science; Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo Geophysical Department
刊行物名JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research
抄録Visual observation and sampling by Research Submersible (SR) 'Shinkai 6500' under aegis of MODE'94 revealed a number of debris flows on the slope and flank of the Western portion of the Kane transform fault in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (WMARK). Two types of debris flows were distinguished; one is composed of boulders of basalts with uniform sizes, while the other contains boulders of various sizes in fine-grained sediments. Both are products of slumpings from steep faulted walls triggered by local earthquakes, although debris flows of the second type appear to be minor in the WMARK area. Characteristics of these slump deposits are considered as a function of slope angle and physical properties of boulders and sediments in comparison with those on the landward slopes of Japan Trench and Nankai Trough as well as on the archipelagic apron of the Hawaiian Ridge.
キーワードMid Atlantic Ridge; transform fault; slumping; earthquake; debris flow; basalt; boulder; sediment; Japan Trench; Hawaiian Ridge; WMARK; Shinkai 6500; 大西洋中央海嶺; トランスフォーム断層; スランピング; 地震; 土石流; 玄武岩; 巨れき; 沈殿物; 日本海溝; ハワイ海嶺; WMARK; しんかい6500
資料種別Technical Report
