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タイトルNHK Laboratories Note: Number 465
その他のタイトルConstruction of omnidirectional images for image-based virtual studio
著者(日)山内 結子; 三ツ峰 秀樹; 井上 誠喜; 下田 茂
著者(英)Yananouchi, Yuko; Mitsumine, Hideki; Inoue, Seiki; Shimoda, Shigeru
著者所属(日)日本放送協会放送技術研究所 マルチメディアサービス; 日本放送協会放送技術研究所 マルチメディアサービス; 日本放送協会放送技術研究所 マルチメディアサービス; 日本放送協会放送技術研究所 マルチメディアサービス
著者所属(英)NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories Multimedia Services Research Division; NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories Multimedia Services Research Division; NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories Multimedia Services Research Division; NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories Multimedia Services Research Division
発行機関などNHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories
刊行物名NHK Laboratories Note
NHK放送技術研究所 Laboratories Note
抄録To generate highly realistic scenes of a virtual studio, the technology for a new type of virtual studio is being developed, which is based on image components from real videos instead of CG (Computer Graphics). The system is called as an image-based virtual studio. The technology for two types of image components has been developed for the system. These are an environmental image component that is used to provide long shots and a three-dimensional image component that is used to provide medium shots and close ups. A principal-point alignment camera head has recently been developed, that can be used to compose a large number of camera images into a single high-resolution omnidirectional image, as the environmental image component. An omnidirectional image (16,000 x 16,000 pixels) has been constructed from about 1,000 camera images, and they can eventually be used to compose a seamless whole. An experimental high-definition image-based virtual studio has been developed based on such image components. The system's utility in TV program production has been confirmed.
キーワードimage based virtual studio; omnidirectional image; realistic scene; image component; real video; environmental image; long shot; principal point alignment camera head; high definition image; seamless whole image; high resolution image; computer graphics image; 実写ベース仮想スタジオ; 全方位画像; 写実的場面; 映像成分; 実写ビデオ; 環境映像; 遠景ショット; 主成分アラインメントカメラヘッド; 高品位映像; シームレス一体映像; 高精細画像; コンピュータグラフィックス映像
資料種別Technical Report
