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タイトルEvaluation of response functions of 16 inch x 16 inch x 4 inch large-sized N[lc]aI scintillation detector for environmental gamma-ray survey
著者(日)板津 英輔; 井口 哲夫; 瓜谷 章; 河原林 順
著者(英)Itazu, Hidesuke; Iguchi, Tetsuo; Uritani, Akira; Kawarabayashi, Jun
著者所属(日)名古屋大学 大学院工学研究科; 名古屋大学 大学院工学研究科; 名古屋大学 大学院工学研究科; 名古屋大学 大学院工学研究科
著者所属(英)Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering; Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering; Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering; Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering
刊行物名Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on EGS
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on EGS
抄録Response functions of the 16' x l6' x 4' -large sized NaI detector, which is mainly used for high sensitive gamma-ray survey in outdoor environment, have been calculated by using EGS4 code. The calculated results are compared with the measured data for standard gamma-ray sources to check their accuracy. Through the precise modeling of the detector structure in the calculation, the agreement between both results has been improved up to around +/- 15 percent relative deviation in Cs-137 source spectrum. Based on this calculation model, the directional response matrix consisting of 24 energy groups x 256 pulse height bins has been prepared to unfold gamma ray spectra from the measured data. The unfolding results seem to be reasonable in a preliminary analysis on natural background gamma-ray spectra.
キーワードlarge NaI scintillation detector; response function; gamma ray; photomultiplier tube; Cs 137; energy spectrum; EGS4; Monte Carlo simulation; research and development; 大型NaIシンチレーション検出器; 応答関数; ガンマ線; 光電子増倍管; Cs-137; エネルギースペクトル; EGS4; モンテカルロシミュレーション; 研究開発
資料種別Conference Paper
