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タイトルApproach for Structurally Clearing an Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge Flap for Flight
著者(英)Stephens, Craig A.; Ervin, Gregory; Crampton, Glen; Lokos, William A.; Kota, Sridhar; Cruz, Josue; Miller, Eric J.; Flick, Pete
内容記述The Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge (ACTE) flap was flown on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Gulfstream GIII testbed at the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center. This smoothly curving flap replaced the existing Fowler flaps creating a seamless control surface. This compliant structure, developed by FlexSys Inc. in partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory, supported NASA objectives for airframe structural noise reduction, aerodynamic efficiency, and wing weight reduction through gust load alleviation. A thorough structures airworthiness approach was developed to move this project safely to flight. A combination of industry and NASA standard practice require various structural analyses, ground testing, and health monitoring techniques for showing an airworthy structure. This paper provides an overview of compliant structures design, the structural ground testing leading up to flight, and the flight envelope expansion and monitoring strategy. Flight data will be presented, and lessons learned along the way will be highlighted.
NASA分類Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
