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タイトル洞房結節に対するアセチルコリン陰性変時作用のイオン機序に関する研究 第2報:多細胞微小標本を用いた実験
その他のタイトルThe ionic mechanism underlying the negative chronotropic effect of acetylcholine. 2: Experiments using small sinoatrial node tissue preparations isolated from rabbit hearts
著者(日)児玉 逸雄; Boyett,M.R.; 新井 章子; 鈴木 良子; 本荘 晴朗; 外山 淳治
著者(英)Kodama, Itsuo; Boyett, M.R.; Arai, Akiko; Suzuki, Ryoko; Honjo, Haruo; Toyama, Junji
著者所属(日)名古屋大学環境医学研究所; リーズ大学; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所
著者所属(英)Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University; Leeds University; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
Annals of The Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
抄録This study examined the inhibition of automatism and change of membrane potential pulses in multicellular samples under wide range of Acetylcholine (Ach) concentration using selective inhibitors of channels associated with Ach. Small sinoatrial node tissues were extracted from rabbit hearts, and perfused with perfusate containing Ach, Ba(2+), or Cs(+). In this study, Ba(2+) was used as a selective inhibitor of Ach sensitive K current (I(sub K)), and Cs(+), as a inhibitor of inward current activated by hyperdepolarization (I(sub f)). As a result, 2 mM Cs(+) decreased spontaneous excitation rate by 12.8 percent, while 2 mM Cs(+) did not affect the negative chronotropic effect of Ach; i.e., the dose-response curve and IC(sub 50) (the concentration inhibiting Ach effect by 50 percent) was not changed by Cs(+) addition. This implies that I(sub f) may not play an important role in pacemaker function, and that the negative chronotropic effect by Ach may not be associated with I(sub f). 0.5 mM Ba(2+) prolonged the action potential duration, and decreased the maximum diastolic potential by 8 - 10 mV, as well as slight promotion of spontaneous excitation was observed. This is probably because of decrease of slow rectifying K current, and partially due to decrease of I(sub f) current secondary to the depolarization. In addition, Ba(2+) shifted the dose-response curve of Ach to the right, and increase IC(sub 50) (Ach) 3.5 times, which implies that Ach effect was inhibited. Therefore, the negative chronotropic effect of Ach may by caused by the activation of K current.
キーワードsinoatrial node; rabbit; multicell; membrane potential; action potential; excitation; mammal; pacemaker; negative chronotropic effect; dose response curve; depolarization; acetylcholine; ion current; ionic mechanism; cesium ion; 洞房結節; ウサギ; 多細胞; 膜電位; 活動電位; 興奮; 哺乳類; ペースメーカー; 陰性変時作用; 用量反応曲線; 脱分極; アセチルコリン; イオン電流; イオン機序; セシウムイオン
資料種別Technical Report
