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タイトルVisual Attention Allocation Between Robotic Arm and Environmental Process Control: Validating the STOM Task Switching Model
著者(英)Clegg, Benjamin; Wickens, Christopher; Vieanne, Alex; Janes, Jessica; Sebok, Angelia
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述Fifty six participants time shared a spacecraft environmental control system task with a realistic space robotic arm control task in either a manual or highly automated version. The former could suffer minor failures, whose diagnosis and repair were supported by a decision aid. At the end of the experiment this decision aid unexpectedly failed. We measured visual attention allocation and switching between the two tasks, in each of the eight conditions formed by manual-automated arm X expected-unexpected failure X monitoring- failure management. We also used our multi-attribute task switching model, based on task attributes of priority interest, difficulty and salience that were self-rated by participants, to predict allocation. An un-weighted model based on attributes of difficulty, interest and salience accounted for 96 percent of the task allocation variance across the 8 different conditions. Task difficulty served as an attractor, with more difficult tasks increasing the tendency to stay on task.
NASA分類Behavioral Sciences; Man/System Technology and Life Support
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
