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タイトルPredictive Measures of Locomotor Performance on an Unstable Walking Surface
著者(英)Mulavara, A. P.; Oddsson, L. I.; Gadd, N. E.; Batson, C. D.; Seidler, R. D.; Goel, R.; Peters, B. T.; Bloomberg, J. J.; Wood, S. J.; Cohen, H. S.; De Dios, Y. E.; Caldwell, E. E.
内容記述Locomotion requires integration of visual, vestibular, and somatosensory information to produce the appropriate motor output to control movement. The degree to which these sensory inputs are weighted and reorganized in discordant sensory environments varies by individual and may be predictive of the ability to adapt to novel environments. The goals of this project are to: 1) develop a set of predictive measures capable of identifying individual differences in sensorimotor adaptability, and 2) use this information to inform the design of training countermeasures designed to enhance the ability of astronauts to adapt to gravitational transitions improving balance and locomotor performance after a Mars landing and enhancing egress capability after a landing on Earth.
NASA分類Aerospace Medicine
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
