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タイトルEmpirical Models for the Shielding and Reflection of Jet Mixing Noise by a Surface
著者(英)Brown, Cliff
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述Empirical models for the shielding and refection of jet mixing noise by a nearby surface are described and the resulting models evaluated. The flow variables are used to non-dimensionalize the surface position variables, reducing the variable space and producing models that are linear function of non-dimensional surface position and logarithmic in Strouhal frequency. A separate set of coefficients are determined at each observer angle in the dataset and linear interpolation is used to for the intermediate observer angles. The shielding and rejection models are then combined with existing empirical models for the jet mixing and jet-surface interaction noise sources to produce predicted spectra for a jet operating near a surface. These predictions are then evaluated against experimental data.
NASA分類Acoustics; Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2015-3128
権利No Copyright
