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タイトルInternational Internship Report for Asher Williams
著者(英)Williams, Asher
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述For the 2015 NASA I (sup 2) Internship Program, I was selected to work in Dr. John Hogan's laboratory on a Human Nutrient Production in Space (Bio-Nutrients) Project involving Research & Development in advanced microbial strategies for the production of nutrients within crewed spacecraft and habitats. Long-term space missions encounter the hurdle of substantial degradation of certain nutrients in food and supplements with time, potentially resulting in nutrient deficiency and serious health problems. The goal of the Bio-Nutrients Project is to enable rapid, safe, and reliable in situ production of needed nutrients using minimal mass, power, and volume. A platform technology is being developed to employ hydratable single-use packets that contain an edible growth medium and a food microbe engineered to produce target human nutrients. In particular, we examined the production of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin in a spore-forming strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Carotenoids are important antioxidants required for ocular health, a problematic area for some astronauts on long-duration ISS missions...To meet the first-year milestones for the Bio-Nutrients project, my specific task was to design and run preliminary tests on a disposable bioreactor for in situ production of human nutrients in space.
NASA分類Life Sciences (General); Aerospace Medicine
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
