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その他のタイトルAtmospheric chemistry observation at the summit of Mt. Fuji using Be-7 and Rn-222 as atmospheric tracers
著者(日)五十嵐 康人; 吉岡 勝廣; 澤 庸介; 小村 和久; 高橋 宙; 堤 之智; 土器屋 由紀子; 松枝 秀和
著者(英)Igarashi, Yasuhito; Yoshioka, Katsuhiro; Sawa, Yosuke; Komura, Kazuhisa; Takahashi, Hiroshi; Tsutsumi, Yukitomo; Dokiya, Yukiko; Matsueda, Hidekazu
著者所属(日)気象研究所; 島根県; 気象研究所; 金沢大学 低レベル放射能実験施設; 気象研究所; 気象研究所; 東京農工大学; 気象研究所
著者所属(英)Meteorological Research Institute; Shimane Prefectural Government; Meteorological Research Institute; Kanazawa University Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory; Meteorological Research Institute; Meteorological Research Institute; Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology; Meteorological Research Institute
刊行物名Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity
抄録Observations on atmospheric naturally occurring radionuclides, which have definite sources could provide useful information on emission, transport and removal processes, etc for other important atmospheric chemical species. For the purpose, Be-7 and Rn-222 seem most useful to know about the free tropospheric processes. There have been observed Be-7 and Rn-222 at the summit of Mt. Fuji (3,776 m a.s.l.) along with O3, SO2, CO. Those data were analyzed to suggest the possible transport of O3 from the upper atmosphere and of polluted air mass from the boundary layer over the Asian continent to the lower free troposphere over Japan. The present work shows the possible application of the atmospheric radionuclides data for understanding the atmospheric physical and chemical processes.
キーワードRn-222; Be-7; atmospheric tracer; Mt. Fuji; meteorological observation; environmental radioactivity; free troposphere; atmospheric boundary layer; Rn-222; Be-7; 大気トレーサー; 富士山; 気象観測; 環境放射能; 自由対流圏; 大気境界層
資料種別Conference Paper
