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その他のタイトルDive results of the forearc slope of the Izu-Bonin Arc: Whale bone animal community
著者(日)藤岡 換太郎; 和田 秀樹; 森田 澄人; 篠原 雅尚; 小泉 聡子
著者(英)Fujioka, Kantaro; Wada, Hideki; Morita, Sumito; Shinohara, Masahisa; Koizumi, Akiko
著者所属(日)海洋科学技術センター 深海研究部; 静岡大学 理学部 地球科学科; 東京大学海洋研究所; 東京大学海洋研究所; 静岡大学 理学部 地球科学科
著者所属(英)Japan Marine Science and Technology Center Deep Sea Research Department; Shizuoka University Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science; Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo; Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo; Shizuoka University Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science
Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
Proceedings of JAMSTEC symposium on deep sea research
抄録The Izu-Bonin Arc was surveyed by the submersible 'Shinkai 6500' in the middle part. As a pre-dive survey, precise topographic survey was performed by multi-narrow beam system and the old Pacific Plate has larger horst- and graven structures that those of the Japan Trench seaward slope. Dives were carried out at the Torishima and Sumyo seamounts whose trends are parallel to the trench axis. Results may confirm that the Torishima and Sumyo seamounts consist mostly serpentinites and small amounts of carbonate rock but the active chimneys were not found out at these seamounts. These evidences support that these seamount consist of the serpentinite diapir like Mariana forearc seamounts such as Conical and Pacman and the activity of diapirism now stopped. 22 backbones and one jaw bone of the teeth whale were found near the summit of the Torishima seamount together with queer deep sea animal community which was quite similar to the hydrothermal and cold seep ones and this community was named by the Torishima Whale Bone Animal Community (TOWBAC). This kind of animal community may be sustained by methen which are derived from the lipids of the whale during anoxic conditions. Moreover, this kind of animal community may play important role of the stepping stone of animals in the vast deep sea environment. Basement rocks which were recovered from the limit depth of the submersible were doleritic basalt which offer significant information about the origin of the oceanic island arcs.
キーワードIzu Ogasawara Arc; dive survey; whale bone animal colony; seaward slope; Torishima seamount; Sumyo seamount; submarine topography; topographic cross section; serpentinite; dolerite; Submersible Shinkai 6500; 伊豆小笠原弧; 潜航調査; 鯨骨生物群集; 海側斜面; 鳥島海山; 須明海山; 海底地形; 地形断面; 蛇紋岩; ドレライト; しんかい6500
資料種別Technical Report
