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その他のタイトルComputational simulation of macroscopic nonlinear stress-strain relationship of short-fiber reinforced metal matrix composites
著者(日)関根 英樹; 鈴木 寛; 福永 久雄; 緒方 政彦
著者(英)Sekine, Hideki; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Fukunaga, Hisao; Ogata, Masahiko
著者所属(日)東北大学 工学部 機械航空工学科; 東北大学 工学部 機械航空工学科; 東北大学 工学部 機械航空工学科; 東北大学 大学院
著者所属(英)Tohoku University Department of Aeronautics and Space Engineering, Faculty of Engineering; Tohoku University Department of Aeronautics and Space Engineering, Faculty of Engineering; Tohoku University Department of Aeronautics and Space Engineering, Faculty of Engineering; Tohoku University Graduate School
Materials system
The computational simulation method of micro-mechanical behavior in metal matrix composites containing short fibers is studied to predict the macroscopic nonlinear stress-strain relationship of the metal matrix composites. Three-dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis is developed for two kinds of periodic array of the fiber distributions. Then, the residual stresses in the composites, which are due to the difference of thermal expansion coefficients of fiber and metal matrix are also taken account of. After the validity of the computational simulation method is examined with the experimental results of a SiC particle reinforced 6061 aluminum alloy composite, the effects of the arrangement, volume fraction and aspect ratio of fibers, and the residual stresses on the macroscopic stress-strain relationship of a SiC whisker reinforced 6061 aluminum alloy composite at room temperature are clarified quantitatively.
キーワードcomputational simulation; short fiber reinforced composite; metal matrix composite; nonlinear finite element method; macroscopic strss strain relationship; residual stress; thermal expansion coefficient; SiC whisker; silicon carbide; dispersion hardening alloy; aluminum alloy; AA6061 alloy; elasto plasticity; stress distribution; tensile load; コンピュータシミュレーション; 短繊維強化複合材料; 金属基複合材料; 非線形有限要素法; 巨視的応力-歪関係; 残留応力; 熱膨張係数; SiCウイスカ; 炭化けい素; 分散強化合金; アルミニウム合金; 6061合金; 弾塑性; 応力分布; 引張荷重
資料種別Journal Article
