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タイトルGalactic Cosmic Ray Simulation at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory
著者(英)Rusek, Adam; Norbury, John W.; Slaba, Tony C.
内容記述The external Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) spectrum is significantly modified when it passes through spacecraft shielding and astronauts. One approach for simulating the GCR space radiation environment at ground based accelerators would use the modified spectrum, rather than the external spectrum, in the accelerator beams impinging on biological targets. Two recent workshops have studied such GCR simulation. The first workshop was held at NASA Langley Research Center in October 2014. The second workshop was held at the NASA Space Radiation Investigators' workshop in Galveston, Texas in January 2015. The results of these workshops will be discussed in this paper.
NASA分類Space Radiation
権利No Copyright
