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タイトルWind Information Uplink to Aircraft Performing Interval Management Operations
著者(英)Barmore, Bryan; Ahmad, Nashat; Swieringa, Kurt
内容記述The accuracy of the wind information used to generate trajectories for aircraft performing Interval Management (IM) operations is critical to the success of an IM operation. There are two main forms of uncertainty in the wind information used by the Flight Deck Interval Management (FIM) equipment. The first is the accuracy of the forecast modeling done by the weather provider. The second is that only a small subset of the forecast data can be uplinked to the aircraft for use by the FIM equipment, resulting in loss of additional information. This study focuses on what subset of forecast data, such as the number and location of the points where the wind is sampled should be made available to uplink to the aircraft.
NASA分類Air Transportation and Safety; Aircraft Communications and Navigation
権利No Copyright
