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タイトルMuon SR study in high-T(sub c) La(2-x)Sr(x)Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4 with around x = 1/8
その他のタイトル高温T(sub c)を持つ La(2-x)Sr(x)Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4のx=1/8近傍でのμSR研究
著者(日)新井 重一郎; 石黒 知也; 渡邊 功雄; 永嶺 謙忠
著者(英)Arai, Juichiro; Ishiguro, Tomoya; Watanabe, Isao; Nagamine, Kanetada
著者所属(日)東京理科大学 理学部 物理学科; 東京理科大学 理学部 物理学科; 理化学研究所 ミュオン科学研究室; 理化学研究所 ミュオン科学研究室
著者所属(英)Science University of Tokyo Department of Physics, Faculty of Science; Science University of Tokyo Department of Physics, Faculty of Science; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Muon Science Laboratory; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Muon Science Laboratory
刊行物名KEK-MSL Report, 1998
KEK-MSL Report, 1998
抄録Recently, it is suggested that the stripe structure of superconductors appearing around x = 1/8 may be responsible for incommensurate elastic magnetic peaks. In order to investigate its possibility, muon SR (Spin Relaxation) experiments were carried out for two samples: La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO4 and La(2-x)Sr(x)Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4. A Meisner effect measured for each sample revealed that the superconductivity was most severely suppressed in x = 0.115. A muon spin coherent rotation was observed in the Zn-free samples with x = 0.115 below about 10 K. This sample indicated a magnetic order, but the sample with x = 0.125 (1/8) did not indicate that. From the muon SR experiments for Zn-doped La(2-x)Sr(x)Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4, it was found that the Zn-doping destroyed magnetically ordered state in the sample with x = 0.115 but induced the magnetic order in the sample with x = 0.125. This muon SR result is the first evidence that Zn substitution really induces the magnetic order at around x = 1/8. One of the possible explanations is the pinning effect of Zn, that is, the Zn substitution pins the dynamic spin fluctuation, resulting in appearance of static stripe structure. Since the muon spin coherent rotation due to Zn-doping was not observed in the samples away from x = 1/8, the Zn-pinning effect may be related to the nature inherent to the electronic state around x = 1/8.
キーワードhole density; stripe structure; elastic magnetic peak; oxide superconductor; muon spin relaxation; Meisner effect; zinc doping; muon spin coherent rotation; magnetic order; pinning effect; dynamic spin fluctuation; electronic state; one eighth effect; high temperature superconductor; LaSrCuO; ホール密度; 縞状構造; 弾性磁気ピーク; 酸化物超伝導体; ミューオンスピン緩和; マイスナ効果; 亜鉛ドーピング; ミューオンスピンコヒーレント回転; 磁気秩序; ピン止め効果; 動的スピン揺らぎ; 電子状態; 1/8効果; 高温超伝導体; LaSrCuO
資料種別Technical Report
