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タイトルThe Long-Term Performance of Small-Cell Batteries Without Cell-Balancing Electronics
著者(英)Curzon, D.; Rao, G.; Pearson, C.; Thwaite, C.
著者所属(英)AEA Technology
内容記述Tests approx.8 yrs ago showed Sony HC do not imbalance. AEA developed a theory (ESPC 2002): a) Self-discharge (SD) decreases with state-of-charge (SOC); b) Cells diverge to a state of dynamic equilibrium; c) Equilibrium spread depends on cell SD uniformity. Balancing model verified against test data. Short-term measures of SD difficult in Sony cells and very small values, depends on technique. Long-term evidence supports lower SD at low SD. Battery testing best proof of performance, typically mission specific tests.
NASA分類Space Sciences (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
