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タイトルSpectral Dark Subtraction: A MODTRAN-Based Algorithm for Estimating Ground Reflectance without Atmospheric Information
著者(英)Ryan, Robert; Gasser, Gerald; Pagnutti, Mary; Holekamp, Kara; Carver, David; Freedman, Ellis; Greer, Randy
著者所属(英)Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems and Solutions
内容記述Spectral Dark Subtraction (SDS) provides good ground reflectance estimates across a variety of atmospheric conditions with no knowledge of those conditions. The algorithm may be sensitive to errors from stray light, calibration, and excessive haze/water vapor. SDS seems to provide better estimates than traditional algorithms using on-site atmospheric measurements much of the time.
NASA分類Earth Resources and Remote Sensing
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
