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タイトルPico Reentry Probes: Affordable Options for Reentry Measurements and Testing
著者(英)Kapoor, Vinod B.; Arnold, James O.; Allen, Gay A., Jr.; Ailor, William H.; Venkatapathy, Ethiraj; Rasky, Daniel J.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述It is generally very costly to perform in-space and atmospheric entry experiments. This paper presents a new platform - the Pico Reentry Probe (PREP) - that we believe will make targeted flight-tests and planetary atmospheric probe science missions considerably more affordable. Small, lightweight, self-contained, it is designed as a "launch and forget" system, suitable for experiments that require no ongoing communication with the ground. It contains a data recorder, battery, transmitter, and user-customized instrumentation. Data recorded during reentry or space operations is returned at end-of-mission via transmission to Iridium satellites (in the case of earth-based operations) or a similar orbiting communication system for planetary missions. This paper discusses possible applications of this concept for Earth and Martian atmospheric entry science. Two well-known heritage aerodynamic shapes are considered as candidates for PREP: the shape developed for the Planetary Atmospheric Experiment Test (PAET) and that for the Deep Space II Mars Probe.
NASA分類Space Sciences (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
