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タイトルNew Critical Compilations of Atomic Transition Probabilities for Neutral and Singly Ionized Carbon, Nitrogen, and Iron
著者(英)Fuhr, J. R.; Wiese, Wolfgang L.
著者所属(英)National Inst. of Standards and Technology
内容記述We have undertaken new critical assessments and tabulations of the transition probabilities of important lines of these spectra. For Fe I and Fe II, we have carried out a complete re-assessment and update, and we have relied almost exclusively on the literature of the last 15 years. Our updates for C I, C II and N I, N II primarily address the persistent lower transitions as well as a greatly expanded number of forbidden lines (M1, M2, and E2). For these transitions, sophisticated multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock (MCHF) calculations have been recently carried out, which have yielded data considerably improved and often appreciably different from our 1996 NIST compilation.
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
