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タイトルMagnetic braking in weakly ionized circumstellar disks
著者(英)Koenigl, A.
著者所属(英)Chicago Univ.
内容記述Recent observations of disk-like mass distributions around newly formed stars have provided evidence for rapid rotation on scales similar to less than 0.1pc with specific angular momenta much higher than typical stellar values. A likely mechanism for the extraction of angular momentum from these regions is magnetic braking by means of Alfven waves that propagate into the lower-density ambient medium. However, because of the relatively high particle densities and the correspondingly low implied ionization fractions in these apparent disks, their constituent ions and neutrals need not be well coupled to each other and could develop large relative drift velocities. For this reason, previous treatments of magnetic braking that assumed perfect coupling between ions and neutrals have to be modified in this case. In particular, one has to take into account both the azimuthal drift that develops because only the ions are directly coupled to the magnetic field and the radial drift (or ambipolar diffusion) which leads to a redistribution (and leakage) of the magnetic flux. The results of a preliminary analysis of these effects are described.
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