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タイトルA direct and inverse boundary layer method for subsonic flow over delta wings
著者(英)Dejarnette, F. R.; Woodson, S. H.
著者所属(英)North Carolina State Univ.
内容記述A new inverse boundary layer method is developed and applied to incompressible flows with laminar separation and reattachment. Test cases for two dimensional flows are computed and the results are compared with those of other inverse methods. One advantage of the present method is that the calculation of the inviscid velocities may be determined at each marching step without having to iterate. The inverse method was incorporated with the direct method to calculate the incompressible, conical flow over a slender delta wing at incidence. The location of the secondary separation line on the leeward surface of the wing is determined and compared with experiment for a unit aspect ratio wing at 20.5 deg incidence. The viscous flow in the separated region was calculated using prescribed skin friction coefficients.
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