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タイトルLV measurements with an advanced turboprop
著者(英)Serafini, J. S.; Neumann, H. E.
著者所属(英)NASA Lewis Research Center
内容記述Nonintrusive measurements of velocity about a spinner-propeller-nacelle configuration were made at a Mach number of 0.8. A laser velocimeter (LV) specifically developed for these measurements was used to determine the flow field of the advanced swept SR-3 propeller. The data will be used to study the flow and to verify computer prediction codes. The usefulness of the LV data in detecting flow anomalies and to substantiate the data quality was demonstrated. Some typical results are given. Mach number profiles at the entrance of the propeller are compared with theoretical predictions. The LV data is in excellent agreement with the axisymmetric, compressible, inviscid theory (without blades) ahead of the propeller except near the hub. The data indicate blade blockage near the spinner. Blade to blade variations in axial velocity for four radial positions at the propeller exist are also given. The large apparent wake near the hub is associated with the hub choking. The blade to blade variation of axial velocity ahead of a shock within the blade passage is given.
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