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タイトルGround-based measurement technologies: Development of CRL Fabry-Perot interferometers and observation of the thermosphere
著者(日)石井 守; 岡野 章一; 佐川 永一; 村山 泰啓; 亘 慎一; Conde, Mark; Smith, Roger W.
著者(英)Ishii, Mamoru; Okano, Shoichi; Sagawa, Eiichi; Murayama, Yasuhiro; Watari, Shinichi; Conde, Mark; Smith, Roger W.
著者所属(日)通信総合研究所 電磁波計測部門; 東北大学 大学院理学研究科; 通信総合研究所 電磁波計測部門 宇宙天気システムグループ; 通信総合研究所 電磁波計測部門; 通信総合研究所 企画部 企画室; University of Alaska; University of Alaska
著者所属(英)Communications Research Laboratory Applied Research and Standards Division; Tohoku University Graduate School of Science; Communications Research Laboratory Space Weather Group, Applied Research and Standards Division; Communications Research Laboratory Applied Research and Standards Division; Communications Research Laboratory Research Planning Office, Strategic Planning Division; University of Alaska; University of Alaska
発行機関などCommunications Research Laboratory
Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory
No. 2
抄録The Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) has long been established as a remarkably versatile high-resolution system for a wide range of spectroscopic purposes. This system screen out rays with a specific wavelength by letting multiple reflections occur between two glass plates called etalon. It has been used for estimating wind velocity and temperature in the mesosphere and the thermosphere which is much difficult to deduce with other observational methods. Two types of FPI, the all-sky FPI and the scanning FPI, have been developed as a part of international cooperative research project between CRL and University of Alaska, Fairbanks. After several operations in Japan for improving total systems, these instruments were installed in Alaska. The scanning FPI, installed in the Poker Flat Research Range, is used for vertical wind feature in the vicinity of aurora. The all-sky FPI, installed at the Eagle observatory, is used for ionosphere-thermosphere coupling study with cooperative observations with HF-radar. An automatic observation system has been developed for operating the instrument and data analyzing software for retrieving parameters with high precisions.
キーワードresearch and development; thermosphere; Fabry-Perot interferometer; high resolution; mesosphere; airglow; neutral wind; vertical wind; Poker Flat; Alaska; ionosphere-thermosphere coupling; 研究開発; 熱圏; Fabry-Perot干渉計; 高分解能; 中間圏; 大気光; 中性風; 垂直風; Poker Flat; アラスカ; 電離層・熱圏相互作用
資料種別Technical Report
