JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルAerodynamic Flight-Test Results for the Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge
著者(英)Garcia, Christian A.; Ali, Aliyah N.; Smith, Mark S.; Ellsworth, Joel C.; Bui, Trong T.; Cumming, Stephen B.
著者所属(英)NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
内容記述The aerodynamic effects of compliant flaps installed onto a modified Gulfstream III airplane were investigated. Analyses were performed prior to flight to predict the aerodynamic effects of the flap installation. Flight tests were conducted to gather both structural and aerodynamic data. The airplane was instrumented to collect vehicle aerodynamic data and wing pressure data. A leading-edge stagnation detection system was also installed. The data from these flights were analyzed and compared with predictions. The predictive tools compared well with flight data for small flap deflections, but differences between predictions and flight estimates were greater at larger deflections. This paper describes the methods used to examine the aerodynamics data from the flight tests and provides a discussion of the flight-test results in the areas of vehicle aerodynamics, wing sectional pressure coefficient profiles, and air data.
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