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タイトルAn Integrated Gate Turnaround Management Concept Leveraging Big Data/Analytics for NAS Performance Improvements
著者(英)Hochstetler, Ronald; Chung, William; Chachad, Girish
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述The Integrated Gate Turnaround Management (IGTM) concept was developed to improve the gate turnaround performance at the airport by leveraging relevant historical data to support optimization of airport gate operations, which include: taxi to the gate, gate services, push back, taxi to the runway, and takeoff, based on available resources, constraints, and uncertainties. By analyzing events of gate operations, primary performance dependent attributes of these events were identified for the historical data analysis such that performance models can be developed based on uncertainties to support descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive functions. A system architecture was developed to examine system requirements in support of such a concept. An IGTM prototype was developed to demonstrate the concept using a distributed network and collaborative decision tools for stakeholders to meet on time pushback performance under uncertainties.
NASA分類Air Transportation and Safety
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
