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タイトルA Synthesis of the Basal Thermal State of the Greenland Ice Sheet
著者(英)Nowicki, S. M. J.; Aschwanden, A.; Morlighem, M.; Catania, G. A.; Gogineni, S. P.; Paden, J. D.; Seroussi, H.; Macgregor, J. A.; Clow, G. D.; Colgan, W. T.; Fahnestock, M. A.; Price, S. F.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Greenland's thick ice sheet insulates the bedrock below from the cold temperatures at the surface, so the bottom of the ice is often tens of degrees warmer than at the top, because the ice bottom is slowly warmed by heat coming from the Earth's depths. Knowing whether Greenland's ice lies on wet, slippery ground or is anchored to dry, frozen bedrock is essential for predicting how this ice will flow in the future. But scientists have very few direct observations of the thermal conditions beneath the ice sheet, obtained through fewer than two dozen boreholes that have reached the bottom. Our study synthesizes several independent methods to infer the Greenland Ice Sheet's basal thermal state -whether the bottom of the ice is melted or not-leading to the first map that identifies frozen and thawed areas across the whole ice sheet. This map will guide targets for future investigations of the Greenland Ice Sheet toward the most vulnerable and poorly understood regions, ultimately improving our understanding of its dynamics and contribution to future sea-level rise. It is of particular relevance to ongoing Operation IceBridge activities and future large-scale airborne missions over Greenland.
NASA分類Geosciences (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
