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タイトルJohnson Space Center: Workmanship Training
著者(英)Patterson, Ashley; Rucka, Becky; Corbin, Cheryl; Sikes, Larry
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述Special processes require special skills, knowledge and experienced application. For over 15 years, the NASA Johnson Space Center's Receiving, Inspection and Test Facility (RITF) has provided Agency-wide NASA Workmanship Standards compliance training, issuing more than 500 to 800 training completion certificates annually. It is critical that technicians and inspectors are trained and that they maintain their proficiency to implement the applicable standards and specifications. Training services include "hands-on" training to engineers, technicians, and inspectors in the areas of electrostatic discharge (ESD), soldering, surface mount technology (SMT), crimping, conformal coating, and fiber-optic terminations.
NASA分類Quality Assurance and Reliability
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
