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タイトルNASA Standing Review Board Handbook: Revision B
著者(英)Baker, Ronald L.; Amer, Tahani R.; Calloway, Michelle A.; Ortiz, James N.; Paraska, Michael W.; Chromik, Christopher C.; Moore, Deborah A.; Borchardt, Heidemarie E.; Moran, Erin; Polen, Charles A.; Greathouse, Richard M.; Chung, Simon S.
著者所属(英)NASA Headquarters
内容記述This SRB Handbook provides review guidance for the program and project communities and for the SRBs regarding the expectations, processes, products, timelines, and working interfaces with review organizations, Centers, Mission Directorates, Mission Support Organizations, and Management Councils. It provides guidelines for membership selection, review implementation, review products, and reporting of results. The SRB Handbook guidance may be tailored, with the Convening Authorities' approval, to meet the needs of the Agency, Mission Directorates, Centers, and the programs and projects being reviewed. The final review agreement of the SRB, program and project, and Convening Authorities for program and project Life-Cycle Reviews (LCRs) is documented in the terms of reference, as described in Section 4.1 and Appendix H.
NASA分類Administration and Management; Documentation and Information Science
レポートNONASA/SP-2016-3706/REV B
権利No Copyright
